

Looking to save your money but need to keep easy access to cash?

The LGB Demand Saving Account is a flexible account that gives you higher returns:

  • Flexible startup amount
  • Instant access to your money without prior notice
  • Attractive Interest rates set per grid of account balance and period bracket
  • Free Online Banking with a highly secured access
  • Available in USD, LBP, Euro or other major currencies

A sound start to your savings with utmost flexibility and convenience

Visit your nearest LGB BANK branch for customer service assistance, or contact our 24/7 Call Center on 01-965965 for more information 

©2025 LGB BANK s.a.l. , All rights reserved | List of Banks No. 94 , R.C.B
Online banking services licensed by virtue of BDL letter number 11/138 dated March 30,2012.