Our Commitment to Ethical Business Practices
At LGB BANK, we are firmly dedicated to combating Bribery and Corruption with a stringent zero-tolerance policy. Adhering to all relevant Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption laws and regulations, we ensure our operations uphold the highest ethical standards and integrity.
Our management and staff are committed to maintaining transparency, accountability, and honesty in all our interactions. This extends to our customers, suppliers, and business partners. We foster an environment of ethical behavior and openness to build trust, enhance our reputation, and promote sustainable business practices.
Our unwavering dedication to these principles underscores our commitment to ethical business practices. By embedding these values into our core operations, we ensure that all facets of our business align with our rigorous standards. This comprehensive approach reinforces our role as a trusted and reputable financial institution, contributing to the broader fight against corruption.”
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
LGB Bank sal is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all our business activities. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption, which are fundamentally at odds with our commitment to lawful and ethical business practices.
Our Commitment
- Legal Compliance: We strictly adhere to all relevant anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations in every country where we operate, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act, BDL and SIC among other applicable l laws.
- Ethical Practices: We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability. We expect all our employees, directors, contractors, suppliers, and business partners to share this commitment.
Definition of Bribery and Corruption
- Bribery: Bribery involves offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in a position of trust.
- Corruption: Corruption is the misuse of power by someone to achieve personal gain or advantage for themselves or others.
Core Policy Principles
- Prohibition of Bribery and Corruption: Under no circumstances will LGB Bank sal tolerate bribery or corruption in any form. All employees and associated parties are strictly prohibited from engaging in any corrupt practices.
- Facilitation Payments: Facilitation payments, which are unofficial payments made to secure or expedite routine governmental actions, are prohibited.
- Gifts, Entertainment, and Hospitality: Any gifts, entertainment, or hospitality offered or received must be reasonable, proportionate, and declared in accordance with our internal guidelines. They must never be intended to improperly influence business decisions.
- Third-Party Relationships: We require all third parties acting on behalf of LGB Bank sal to adhere to our anti-bribery and corruption standards. Due diligence is conducted on all partners and contractors to ensure compliance.
Reporting and Whistleblowing
- Reporting Channels: Employees, partners, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report any suspicions or knowledge of bribery or corruption. Reports can be made anonymously through our confidential whistleblowing hotline or directly to our Compliance Department.
- Protection for Whistleblowers: We protect those who report suspected misconduct in good faith. Any form of retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.
Training and Awareness
- Employee Training: All employees are required to undergo regular training on our anti-bribery and corruption policies to ensure they understand their responsibilities and the importance of ethical conduct.
- Awareness Initiatives: We run ongoing awareness programs to reinforce our anti-bribery and corruption stance and ensure all stakeholders understand the risks and their roles in preventing such activities.
Monitoring and Enforcement
- Internal Controls and Audits: We have robust internal controls and regularly conduct audits to ensure compliance with our anti-bribery and corruption policies.
- Disciplinary Actions: Any violations of this policy will result in disciplinary measures, which may include termination of employment or business relationships, and could also involve legal action.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement
-Policy Review: We regularly review and update our anti-bribery and corruption policies to ensure they remain effective and aligned with the latest legal requirements and best practices.
- Stakeholder Engagement: We engage with stakeholders to promote understanding and support for our anti-bribery and corruption efforts.
At LGB Bank sal we are unwavering in our commitment to ethical business practices and the fight against bribery and corruption. We believe that maintaining high ethical standards is fundamental to our success and to the trust placed in us by our clients, partners, and the communities we serve.